Benton County Democrats: Engaging Communities, Empowering Voices.

Get to know us better – our history, our values, and our vision for the future.
The Benton County Democrats aims to cultivate a thriving Democratic community rooted in collaboration and action. Through our various committees and open invitation to all Democrats, we facilitate meaningful engagement in local politics and activism. Whether through fundraising efforts, campaign services, or outreach initiatives, we aim to build a strong foundation for progressive change. By prioritizing inclusivity and democratic principles, we strive to create a more equitable and just society for all residents of Benton County, Oregon.
The Benton County Democrats is open to any registered Democrat in the county. All are welcome to attend our monthly meetings held the third Thursday of each month. Meetings held at Grace Lutheran Church, at the intersection of Kings and Harrison, 435 NW 21st St, Corvallis, OR 97330. You’ll find us in Ronnenkamp Hall, upstairs through the entry near the church’s NE corner or via the handicap-accessible north entry. Meetings are also held via Zoom (sign up for Hotlines, our newsletter, to learn more). We have social time at 6:30pm; the meeting starts at 7:00pm, and it wraps up promptly at 8:30pm.
Our organization begins with Precinct Committee Persons. There are 184 positions in Benton County. PCPs work in teams in their neighborhoods during election campaigns and can vote at monthly meetings and other leadership elections. If you are a Democrat interested in becoming a PCP, please come to a meeting and introduce yourself. We would be happy to talk with you about the process. Our Bylaws & Standing Rules describe how our organization conducts business. Our finances support our goal of electing Democrats in Benton County. Much of the work of the Party goes on in our Committees. You are welcome to attend committee meetings or to contact the committee chair with questions. The links below show our standing committees, chairpersons, and plans on current issues. (Click to expand committees) The following committees are open to all Democrats in Benton County who are interested in volunteering! Contact the chair for more information on how you can get involved.
Finance and Fundraising Committee
Responsible for party’s financial planning and monitoring. While the primary work of our organization always will be to educate, inform and activate voters for progressive causes, we need financing to accomplish that work. This includes solicitation of donations, event/fundraiser planning and oversight work with Treasurer. Required Members: Treasurer/EC Liaison, Communications Committee Member, Merchandiser, Outreach Committee Member Examples of Activities: Coordinating Progressive Legacy Dinner, Oversight and Fiscal Counsel to Treasurer, Fundraising Letter, Holiday Party and Auction, Picnic and Pie Auction, New Fundraiser Activity Planning Chair:
Campaign Services
This committee is to identify and recruit Democratic candidates for targeted races at the local, state and national levels, and then provide support services to those candidates during the campaign cycle. In election years, this includes setting up and maintaining headquarters, developing and maintaining a yard sign location data base, facilitating VAN access and providing volunteers for canvassing, phone banking and other campaign activities for candidates. This committee also fills the election integrity function by monitoring the elections offices in applicable races on election nights. Required Members: EC Liaison, VAN representative, Outreach Committee Member, Communications and Technology Committee Member Examples of Activities: Recruiting and Vetting Candidates Set up and operate HQ Assist with Canvassing VAN Access Maintaining Strong “Bench” of Democrats locally Campaign Support Volunteer Roundup Liaison between EC and Candidates
Rules and Bylaws
This committee reviews the bylaws and standing rules and considers proposed amendments for submission to the full central committee. This committee also serves to administer organizational elections and oversees credentialing for those elections. Required Members: EC Liaison, Archivist, Credentialing Official Examples of Activities: Vet and Propose Amendments to Rules and Bylaws Oversee Credentialing for Internal Elections Draft Election Rules for Reorganizations, special elections Oversee and monitor reorganization and special elections
Communications and Technology
This committee is responsible for the internal and external communications tools utilized by the Benton County Democrats, as well as the technological infrastructure that helps us support candidates when headquarters is open. This committee will look for new and better ways to inform the public and our Precinct Committee People about upcoming events, pertinent information and keeping the group inspired. This includes coordinating a united and consistent message and exploring new platforms where those messages can be communicated. Required Members: EC Liaison, Tech Savvy Member, Messaging Specialist, Outreach Committee Member, Candidate and Campaign Support Committee member (for Headquarters Support) Examples of Activities: Press Releases Website Social Media Assist other committees for communications needs Identify new communications opportunities BC Dems messaging Supporting technology infrastructure Tech setup and support at headquarters
Outreach and Voter Registration
This committee conducts community outreach, coalition-building, voter registration and sales of merchandise through outreach opportunities. This group coordinates participation in the county/state fairs, festivals, parades and other outreach opportunities. Its members will liaise with different groups such as labor, the Linn County Democrats and young Democrats. It also will offer voter registration activities at these events. Required Members: Merchandiser, EC Liaison, PCP/Party Development Committee Member Examples of Activities: State/county fairs Festivals Liaison with other organizations Parades Farmer’s Market Register new voters
PCP/Party Development Committee
This committee will focus on the personal and political development of the Benton County Democrats. It will recruit new precinct committee people and implement a series of activities that give us opportunities to build relationships and networks internally. These include social gatherings, training, discussion groups and anything that helps our activists become more effective agents of change. One of these key programs is the Neighborhood Leader Program. This group also is responsible for creating a welcoming environment at Central Committee meetings by greeting people as they arrive and, when applicable, providing snacks and refreshments. Required Members: VAN expert, EC Liaison, Outreach and Voter Registration Committee Member, Hospitality Coordinator Examples of Activities: Neighborhood Leader Program Team-building gatherings Recruit PCPs CC Meeting Greeting and Hospitality Internal Training Events Effectiveness Training Collaborate with other committees to meet goals
Platform and Legislative Action Committee
This committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the Benton County Democratic platform on a biennial basis, and considering and adopting amendments and additions from time to time. It also will provide Benton County’s leadership role toward the larger process of developing the state platform. This committee also is responsible for advocating and leading lobby days at the State Capitol, reaching out to local elected officials to ensure they are familiar with the Benton County Democratic Platform, tracking bills of interest to the Benton County Democrats in accordance with the Platform and providing training on how to track bills and measures as they become law. Required Members: EC Liaison, Communications and Technology Committee Member Examples of Activities: Work on State Platform Create and maintain BC Dems Platform Conduct County Platform Convention Track Legislation important to BC Dems (all levels of govt) Propose state, national legislation Propose local ordinances in accordance with platform Coordinate BC Dems Lobby Days Conduct training on bill tracking, legislative process
The following are elected positions:
Chair: Gabe Shepherd |
First Vice Chair: Vince Adams |
Second Vice Chair: Holly Shutta` |
Treasurer: Biff Traber |
Secretary: Briae Lewis |
Central Committee
The Central Committee is the main decision-making body of the Benton County Democrats. The members of the Committee are the Precinct Committee Persons (PCP’s); while any member of the public can attend Central Committee meetings, only PCP’s are eligible to vote on the actions to be taken by county party. Membership as a PCP on the Central Committee is open to any registered Democrat living (and registered) in Benton County. There are two ways to become a PCP: election and appointment. To be eligible to vote for officers of the party, PCP’s must be elected during a primary election. Ask any member of the Executive Committee and she or he will give you more information if you are interested. At any point in the year, the Central Committee can appoint a person to fill any open precinct committee; the candidate is submitted at a Central Committee meeting and is approved on a vote of the attending members. You can serve as a PCP in either the precinct in which you live, or, if all those positions are filled, an open position in a neighboring precinct. PCP positions are divided evenly between male and female openings. Our PCP coordinator can let you know about any openings. Everyone is invited to attend Central Committee meetings. Please feel free to attend.
State Central Committee
The State Central Committee guides the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO), elects the DPO Executive Committee, and makes many major decisions. Each county sends a number of delegates based on the number of registered Democrats in that county and elects delegates using gender balancing rules. The current delegates and alternates were elected by the Benton County Central Committee during its January 2023 reorganization meeting. Delegates Gabe Shepherd (Delegation Chair), Charles Maughan, Holly Shutta, and Taryn Bazurto Alternates Tanya Shivley, Ann Gaidos-Morgan, Sam Sappington, and Dan DeCarbonel
4th Congressional District Committee (Val Hoyle)
Delegates Ann Gaidos-Morgan, Sam Sappington, Tanya Shively, and Andy Sisson Alternates Taryn Bazurto, Terrance Virnig, John Wilson, and Maria Faria
You are welcome to email the chair at or leave a phone message at (541) 250-0147. We open campaign headquarters prior to general elections but otherwise do not have an office.