Our financial goals match our overall vision: Electing Democrats in Benton County.
During election cycles, we have a campaign headquarters for phone banks, canvassing, meetings, buttons and yard signs, and facilities that candidates can make use of for their campaigns. Even during the 2020 campaign, our campaign headquarters was a bustling center of activity — all accordance with COVID protocols.
Between election campaigns, we organize to win future elections. We fundraise so that we can start an election cycle with enough cash on hand to wage a successful campaign to elect Democrats!
We hold a variety of fundraising operations — including virtual events — throughout the year, including our annual holiday auction, our summer picnic and pie auction, and various others to help us prepare for the next election cycle. We also do occasional mailings reminding people to donate.
Those who are active in our party get to see how far their money is going and the difference it makes. Our Treasurer’s reports are available at our monthly meetings for all attendees to see.
You are always encouraged to make a secure donation online via Act Blue or if you prefer, send a check to our mailing address at:
Benton County Democrats
PO Box 232
Corvallis, OR 97339
Your donation (up to $50 for an individual and up to $100 for a married couple) may be eligible each year for an Oregon state tax credit. Speak to your tax professional for details.